Reminder: To preserve the settings used by LockDown Browser, do NOT modify these settings in Test Options:.You can also enable Record the screen while the student is taking the exam. To require all students use a webcam during the exam, select Require Respondus Monitor (automated proctoring) for this exam.Optionally, you may create a test/exam password. Students cannot print, copy, visit another website, or use other programs. If you enable LockDown Browser for a Blackboard test, students will be unable to copy, print, access other applications, visit other websites, or close the test until it is submitted. Respondus LockDown Browser secures the testing environment within the Blackboard. Select Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam. Respondus LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment for tests taken in Blackboard.Select Settings from the context menu of the Test. A list of deployed Tests will be displayed.From the Control Panel, locate Course Tools and select Respondus LockDown Browser.

Create and deploy a Test in the Blackboard course.For more information, please visit: Preparation and Setup (by Instructor and/or TA/Support Staff) If a Blackboard Test requires LockDown Browser be used, students cannot take the test/exam with a standard web browser. If you have problems downloading, installing, or taking a test with Respondus LockDown Browser, contact your instructor.Respondus LockDown Browser is a custom browser that can lock down test/exam environment within Blackboard. If any messages appear to close open applications, agree to close these. Message: To confirm the exam submission. Double-click on the icon, and proceed with logging into Blackboard to take your test.Once a test has been started with Respondus LockDown Browser, you cannot leave the test or close LockDown Browser until you click the Submit button! If you see a screen similar to this, DO NOT CHANGE THE PASSWORD.
If the instructor did not set up the test with a password, you should NOT see a password prompt. If your instructor requires a password to begin the exam, a popup window will prompt you to enter the password to continue.A window will open, “Begin: (Name of the test) – Requires Respondus LockDown Browser”.

screen capture, instant messaging, etc.) choose Yes. If prompted to close a blocked program (e.g.(For Macintosh users, launch “LockDown Browser” from the Applications folder.) Locate the “LockDown Browser” shortcut on the desktop and double-click it.Close all programs, unless one is used to connect to the Internet.Instructors choose parameters for testing environment. Honorlock - Online proctoring service, integrated with Blackboard. The video can be viewed later by your instructor.
exe file was saved and double click the file to start the installation process. Respondus Monitor - This tool, used in conjunction with LockDown Browser, will record you and your testing environment via webcam.